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Verse of the day
ཨིན༌ནའང༌ ཏ༌ སྲོ༌ ཡོང༌ཅེས༌, ཁྲག༌ལུང༌, ངན༌སེམས༌, ཞན༌མའེ༌ སྕོད༌པའེ༌ སྐོར༌ལ༌ ངན༌པ༌ ཟེར༌ཅེས༌ དང༌ ཁ༌ངན༌པ༌ ཚང༌མའ༌ ཕང༌གོས༌།
Colossians 3:8God’s Holy Scriptures have been translated into 1,551 spoken languages. On this website you will be able to read and listen to the Holy Scriptures in your own spoken Ladakhi language.
Learn who the Lord Jesus is, how he has saved us from hell, and how we will be able to live with God forever as his children.